
Relationship Series


Church-Wide Healthy Relationship Campaign

RAM (Relationship Attachment Model)

Watch RAM series sermons

What is RAM?

RAM Series is a 6-week lesson series on healthy relationships with complementary curricula for K-12th grades and video-based discussion group tracks for singles about dating and couples in marriage. (CCC participated in this study for all age groups in 2023.)

The RAM Series is unique because it provides a common understanding and language for all relationships with the RAM, the framework for the content in the sermon series and the youth, singles, and marrieds classes.

RAM Series

User Tested & Approved

Based on programs that have been used by more than a million over the last 20 years. Taught by chaplains in all branches of the military for over 15 years. The marriage course has contributed to a 25% reduction in divorce in research studies. It has been empirically validated and published in peer-reviewed journals. The book for singles was a top pick by Christianity Today.

Author: John Van Epp, Ph.D.